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Shadow Robot Build Tools

Various tools and utilities created by Shadow to aid in ROS based robot development. There are two main things of interest here.

  • Vagrant Virtual Machines - Quickly bring up virtual machines for Shadow projects or general ROS development. Also includes a set of machines for building ROS Base images for vagrant.
  • Ansible Roles for ROS - Roles and playbooks for general ROS setup as well as specific shadow projects.

To setup a new production machine, see these instructions


  • ansible - Ansible roles and playbooks. Go there if you want to setup a new machine running Shadow software quickly or automatic build.
  • bin - Small executables and scripts. Includes older, bash script based ROS installers being replaced by ansible. Scripts for working with ROS and Jenkins. Also a script to sync between github issues and Trello.
  • config - Config files (not ansible or vagrant). Just an example of the trello sync config for now.
  • data - Rosinstall files for Shadow projects.
  • docker - Docker image files.
  • vagrant - Vagrant virtual machines.